U.S. interventionism

It's Ukraine invasion day!

According to the U.S. and the U.K. governments, and media all around the world, Russia is going to invade Ukraine, or Russia has been invading Ukraine, or Russia had planned to invade Ukraine. It's hard to keep up with the narrative since they have been warning of an "imminent" invasion of Ukraine by Russia for 2 months now.

Some 2 days ago Zelensky - the Ukrainian 'president' - released a video informing us that from what he had been briefed - presumably by Biden - Russia was going to invade on Wednesday the 16th of 2022, which is today. As I write this it is just before 11:00 AM Central European Time and so far there is no evidence of an invasion. Then again, they didn't tell us at which time the Russians would roll into Ukraine, and whether it would be Moscow time, Berlin time, UCT  or whatever, so I suppose we have to wait until midnight Hawaii time to be sure that Russia is not going to invade. 

I have maintained throughout this whole episode that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was in fact the Ukraine invasion hoax. The Russians have military drills every year, and every time they have them the media in the West warns of an imminent invasion of this or that territory. So it is this time as well, with the Russians holding military exercises with Belarus, from which they have begun to withdraw since the military drills are coming to an end.

As to why the U.S. and ther U.K. lap dogs decided to push this story, I can think of several reasons:

  • Biden has failed in everything he has done so far and it is not looking good for his party, so he had to claim some sort of victory. 
  • The easiest sort of victory is one in which all of Washington and the U.S. can join in, and that is demonising Russia.
  • So Biden and his team make up a story of a Russian invasion, then prance around saying how tough sanctions will be if Russia invades, and when Russia doesn't invade - as it had never intended to do - they can claim that it was because the U.S. was tough.
  • Nobody has ever lost money betting on the smartness of the Republican party, so even though they could have exposed this as the sham it was, one should have known beforehand they would bark even louder than the Democracts have done.
  • In the U.K., Boris needs to divert attention away from his many domestic scandals, so he flies around Europe talking up the invasion.
  • The media, true to self, fails to question any part of this hoax and just regurgitates the lies.
  • When all is said and done, the U.S. says that the only reason Russia didn't invade is because of the tough talk and how this shows the need to impose more sanctions on Russia so that they don't contemplate invading again.

All the while I thought this had more to do with the U.S. elections later in 2022 but something the Ron Paul Liberty Report mentioned has made me think that perhaps this all has to do mainly with Germany and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. 

Now, Russia already provides Germany with a large chunk of its energy through various pipelines, including the original Nord Stream pipeline. However, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline has the ability to take these deliveries away from hostile territories - Poland and Ukraine - and leave Germany and Russia free to trade unmolested by the U.S. and its puppets, and over time forge closer ties. This must strike fear into the hearts - if they have any - of U.S. neocons so they are willing to do anything to stop it.

After all, if Germany and Russia get along, soon people will be asking what the U.S. is doing having forces in Europe. It might not be long before people start calling them what they really are - occupying forces.

It seems that the 21st century is the century of hoaxes. Virtually all major events this century have been as a result of hoaxes. They - the powers that shouldn't be - have given up on false flags, it seems, and seem to have concluded that since they control the media, they can just make stuff up and not even be bothered fabricating falsehoods on the ground.

The Ron Paul Liberty Report titled their show yesterday "US Credibility Collapse: Russian Troops Returning After Exercises...Like They Said". I agree with them, except I don't think the U.S. has any credibility left to lose.

Anyway, we'll have to wait until midnight Hawaii time to know whether the U.S. was telling the truth for once, or whether the media was once again doing the only thing it seems capable of doing nowadays - pushing yet another hoax to advance a globalist agenda.


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