
The hounds attack converts, and Bergoglio discovers his magisterialism card, but nobody can really figure out what he said or meant - Sunday 20th of August to Saturday 27th of August

Apart from isolated terrorist-related activity in Barcelona in Spain, Turku in Finland and somewhere in Russia, it was a rather slow newsweek in Europe, I would argue. I certainly didn't pick up in anything. The leftists continued destroying statues and the North Korea vs. U.S. ensured that the media didn't have to look very far for stories, but on the secular front there was little different to set the week apart. In fact, terrorist attacks in Europe are not really newsworthy any more, if we are to be honest.

What did make some news on the Catholic front was one of Bergoglio's lay attack hounds attacking prominent converts and reverts to the faith. It turns out that many of the more prominent anti-Bergoglians are Catholics so a Bergoglio fan decided to make that a point of attack. Perhaps it is a surprise to him that people who actually take the trouble of converting to the Catholic faith - often at great social cost - do it because they take Catholicism seriously. Several prominent Catholics were attacked by name, showing that the Bergoglians really are starting to feel the heat.

Getting insulted by the Bergoglians is now a mark of honour, so I don't think any of them will lose sleep over it.

The really big news though was how Bergoglio attempted to shore up the failing Novus Ordo by telling us that he can say with magisterial authority that the liturgical reforms are now "irreversible". Nobody knows what he meant, although we all took it as an attack on the Roman Rite and an attempt to prop up the Novus Ordo innovations.

Fr. Hunwicke and Novus Ordo Watch (sedevacantists) both had pretty good analyses on it, but it was  Fr. Hugh Somerville-Knapman who has probably the best analysis, and he also provided a summary from others who had a go at one of Bergoglio's more delusional statements. His basic contention was that this is not such big news because first of all nobody can really figure out what Bergoglio meant. The good priest did, however, manage to shed light on the fact that Bergoglio had quoted mainly himself (as is par for the course) while also spicing his verbiage with references to other popes, except most tellingly Pope Benedict XVI - his immediate predecessor and one who has probably written more on the liturgy than any of the others - who famously issued Summorum Pontificum.

The contention of Fr. Hugh Somerville-Knapman was that if the liturgical reforms are irreversible (whatever that means) then they would obviously have to include Summorum Pontificum.

A take I saw on one of the comment boards, made an interesting observation, worth quoting in full:


Our beloved Holy Father is a Jesuit, and can make good use of mental reservations, and other techniques of communication and diversion. He did *not* say, “I affirm that the post-concilar liturgical reform is irreversible,” rather he said “I can affirm that, etc.”

“Possiamo affermare con sicurezza e con autorità magisteriale che la riforma liturgica è irreversibile”

In a somewhat similar way, I could say: “I can affirm that I am from Mars” but if I did so I would be fibbing.


That's good plain old Jesuitism, and I would not be surprised if Bergoglio actually put it that way in order to be able to deny that he actually was trying to impose the Novus Ordo mess on posterity, something he has no authority to do in any case and simply proves his delusion is getting the better of him.

Although we cannot actually pin down what Bergoglio said or meant, we all pretty much know what he intended to convey: Big bad old Church must go, new NOChurch must take its place, but to prop up it's sinking hull we shall pretend that sinking is the new floating.

It is noteworthy that Bergoglio only pulls out his magisterial authority card when he wants to suppress authentic Catholic expression, and not say, when trying to clear up confusion, of which he himself is often the cause.

Then we had another anti-Russian propaganda piece on the Catholic Herald, an action which is becoming sadly predictable. Their trustworthiness has fallen very much, and I shall never forget, God-willing, the amount of propaganda they put into the whole Libya affair, urging the invasion of Libya by the Western forces.

It is difficult to discern who or what exactly the Catholic Herald serves, but truth is definitely not the master over there. Since they took away the commenting ability, they can pretty much print anything without concerning themselves with being corrected by people who either know better or are more honest, so I definitely do not  turn to them unless I have little choice.


Sanctions and excommunications for everybody for no reason! - Sunday 30th July to Saturday 5th of August

We had news of a Colombian professor , José Galat, who was excommunicated for criticising Bergoglio and raising questions about the legitimacy of his papacy. If we leave aside the fact that the man didn't actually utter any heresy, and contrast this with the fact that heretics abound against whom nothing is done, we are still left with the issue of the bishops of Colombia effectively making something which ought to be legitimately debatable forbidden to speak about.

The fact is that we have 2 people who wear white in the Vatican. The fact is that one of them resigned under very suspicious conditions. The fact is that the other was elected under very suspicious conditions. There is also the fact that Bergoglio has issued numerous and repeated statements which are impious and heretical. Then we have the multiple prophecies which warn about false shepherds, including false popes.

It is difficult to see why somebody should be excommunicated about this when doubts about Bergoglio are perfectly legitimate, but then again it's difficult to find much of anything which makes sense in NOChurch.

I wrote about this in one of my daily comments.

Not to be left behind on the irrationality race, the U.S. political establishment issued new sanctions against Russia, Iran, Syria and North Korea, sanctions which Donald Trump signed into law this week.

Let it be clear that sanctions are considered acts of war! Let it also be clear that none of the countries here have done anything illegal, and that includes North Korea - which having pulled out of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty is free to pursue nuclear weapons, and as a sovereign state has an unassailable right to develop missile technology! Let it also be clear that they were all bunched together to create the impression that there is the same sinister thread in all of them!

The sanctions on Russian in particular would seem to be nothing more than protectionist measures, something even the Europeans have realised. They claim they will take measuers against the U.S. if these sanctions harm its economic interests. We should not feel sorry for the EU, of course, given that it is not opposing the immorality of sanctions but rather that they were imposed without their involvement, denying them the chance to make sure that while harming Russia, their companies are not harmed. My understanding is that also within 2 days of these sanctions against Russia, the EU imposed other sanctions of its own against Mother Russia.

The sanctions againsty Iran seem to be even more sinister, as even Donald Trump has admitted that Iran has complied with the nuclear deal they signed some 2 years ago or so, the one good thing that the previous evil regime of the U.S. did.

I sometimes have difficulty deciding whether Trump does these things because he believes the lies he is told or because he feels helpless. Either way, he has made himself seem even more helpless as these sanctions tie his hands if he ever wanted to improve relations with Russia, who themselves have seen fit to finally expel U.S. diplomats from Russia, some 8 months after the U.S. expelled Russian diplomats from the U.S. on the same false premises. He could have refused to sign the bill, in which case it would have gone into law anyway as it was veto-proof, but at least he would have signalled his independence.

By signing them he essentially proves himself either a hostage or a stooge of the political establishment, the very swamp he vowed to drain. If he thinks that making bad compromises will help him then he is greatly deluded.

Finally, some football news and a world record transfer of €222 million. I must admit I didn't think it would happen and probably the selling club never actually thought the clause would be met. I commented on this on the day it broke, and I'll briefly restate my comments here.

Though I do not bother reading much from secular newspapers, no doubt there are those decrying the amount of money in football. The statement "they make milions while hospital nurses make much less" is not unusual, as if there are not easily-understandable explanations as to why this is the case.

All the same, if you have something against the money involved - and I must admit to being repulsed by it - just remember that it is €200 million less for ISIS and other jihadists. It is not as though the Qataris were going to use the money to fund a raft of Catholic orphanages around the globe, after all. Neither were they likely to use the money to help their poor fellow Yemeni Arabs who are being bombed to smitherines by Saudi Arabia and its Western allies. This is probably the least harmful way the were going to spend the money.



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